I have some exciting news. I’ve been selected as an ambassador for This Girl Can!
This Girl Can have a new ambassador! Me 🙌🏻🎉💖
If you’re unfamiliar with This Girl Can, it’s a brilliant nationwide movement which champions female involvement in sports and exercise.
This Girl Can’s army are growing stronger and stronger. Together, we’re pushing beyond the boundaries and confines of archaic stereotypes. Together, we’re spreading the confidence to females everywhere.
This Girl Can highlights the fact that, whatever your ability, appearance or previous experience, sport can be a super enjoyable part of every women’s life. Funded by The National Lottery and developed by Sport England, This Girl Can is helping women overcome fears. The main one they’re aiming to smash is the fear of judgement. Sadly, those fears and worries stop far too many of us from joining in.

In my role as an ambassador, I’m helping to inspire other women and girls in Essex to take part in more physical activity. It’s so crucial to me that we help break down all the barriers which stop women from feeling free to take part in sports. Fear of judgement is a huge problem and one we simply need to stamp out. Simply. It’s not always as easy as that though, is it? This is where my big pet peeve comes in…
We live in an ever increasingly digital age. The media’s voices and views that are constantly forced upon us girls will only get louder if we let them. We’re being conditioned to think we should look, act and behave in certain ways. Thankfully, the awesome team of This Girl Can campaigners and ambassadors are helping to change that.
Encouraging us girls and women to get involved with sport and exercise might feel like a small feat. Oh boy, it’s a giant leap in the right direction!
If you’ve followed Graceful Blog for a little while now, you’ll know that I personally enjoy a huge range of activities. I relax through yoga, retune with pilates, get my funk on at Clubbercise and sweat my bum off at Bounce classes. I really enjoy horse riding, swimming and simply going out for a walk. I’m also a long-standing member of my local running group.

Being part of a running group, you get to follow everyone’s journeys. You’re there to celebrate all the triumphs together. You’re also there to offer your support or a sweaty, post-run hug when you know someone’s having a particularly hard time. I can’t tell you how great it is to be a part of a supportive network like that. Ultimately, you all find you’re friends for so many different reasons. Yes, a ‘shared love of running’ may have brought these people together. The friendships are a much wider bond. I’ve made so many brilliant friends through my running group. The support we always have for each other is truly amazing.
For many of the members I run alongside, running has transformed their lives. What might seem like a basic activity can actually do SO much. Not only does it ease stress, it also releases pent-up energy and provides a focus. All of these are aspects I’m sure each of us feel the need for in our busy, everyday lives.

Running can be as simple as putting one foot in front of the other. Sometimes, it can feel like a much bigger challenge. If the thought of exercising feels daunting, that’s totally fine. I’ve got some posts coming up which you should find super helpful! As with anything in life; when you ignore all the fears and go for it, amazing things can happen.

I personally think the beauty of the This Girl Can ambassadors are how we are real-life people. We know the struggles, we’re all genuine women and girls. None of this ‘Instagram idol who gets paid to hold a cup of weight-loss tea and pretend she uses it’. 💔💔💔
I’m so honoured to be a member of the Essex team and I’ve loved telling you just some of the reasons why I’m so pleased to be a part of the This Girl Can movement.

Becoming one of the faces behind Essex’s This Girl Can campaign is an incredible privilege. I’ll be sure to keep you all updated with #ThisGirlCan blog posts. Don’t forget to follow me over on Instagram and Twitter for #ThisGirlCan snaps and musings too! Bonus points if you like my page on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest too, share the love huns. 💖
Thanks so much for reading my excited announcement post! There’s one thing I NEED you guys to take away from this…
Vow to never tell yourself you can’t do something.
If you’re looking for some fitness inspiration then I’ve hand-selected a few of my previous posts. Have a read of them now!
Exercise Motivation To Kickstart Your Fitness Routine
A to Z: Super Motivational Quotes to Live By
6 Simple Ways To Break Out Of A Rut
So what about you… Is there a sport which you completely love? Do you like to unwind with a bit of yoga or revitalise with a pumped-up run?
What reminds you that you’re capable of anything? Let’s start the conversation about us girls and exercising without fears – Because, this girl certainly can!
OHhh you gorgeous lady, I’m so pleased for you! I can’t think of anyone better for the role. On a personal level, I’m one of those ladies you talk about. Since gaining weight for many reasons, Iv become scared of judgement. I walk lots, but am scared of joining exercise classes or walking groups. I think gaining weight wrecks your confidence, so me personally, I can’t wait to read all your blog posts on the matter. Im over the moon for you, you beautiful human xxxx
Aw this is such a lovely comment to read – Thank you so much Kerry Plenty of posts coming, keep that smile on your face lovely! xxxx
This is absolutely wonderful Grace!! You are a true ambassador to MRG!! Hope you are successful with your blog xxx
Thank you very much Justin! What lovely words – I’m so pleased you think so! xxx
This is awesome girl Being apart of a running group is really great, and being an ambassador for essex is even better! Keep working it girl, you’re doing great. And you blog looks really stunning! Where did you get your theme?
Thank you so much for the lovely comment Courtney! As a fellow runner, you know exactly what I mean when it comes to the support network of a running group Aw glad you’re loving the blog too! I’m SO pleased with it so it means a lot to hear things like that. Head over to https://themeforest.net/ xx
An amazing reading about women ambassador. Thank you for sharing this article.
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